Coral reefs are critical to the economic development of Pacific Island Countries, in particular through tourism and fisheries. However an estimated 40 % of the Pacific coral reefs are endangered.
A regional initiative for the protection and management of coral reefs in the South Pacific, CRISP, prepared by the French Development Agency (AFD), aims to develop a vision for the future of coral reef eco-systems and the communities that depend on them, and seeks to introduce strategies and projects that conserve biodiversity, while supporting both social and economic development.
This initiative provides financial resources to partners, consolidating their activities in a spirit of regional cooperation. Two ICRAN projects, were incorporated into the framework of the CRISP. The WorldFish Center is leading the development of an information resource for the Pacific which will bring together and organise up-to-date information and data on the status, threats, and management of coral reefs, into a system with useable tools and resources for managers, researchers and reef users.
In parallel, the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), are leading a programme to reverse the degradation of coral reefs and related ecosystems, and are working alongside communities in Pacific Islands for improved livelihoods and sustainable resource use.
This initiative combines research, management and development, and builds on the contributions of different scientific disciplines to approach coral reef conservation in a holistic manner.
ReefBase Pacific is now online providing access to data and information on reef-associated livelihoods, fisheries and biodiversity for scientists, managers and students in the Pacific region
CRISP Products:
- Biodiversity knowledge and conservation planning
- Reef ecosystem management
- Integrated coastal management
- Reef knowledge and monitoring
Latest Additions:
- Comparison of classification methods (SPOT Image hosting) for land cover mapping in Efate (Vanuatu)
- Mapping Potential Erosion Risks in North Viti Levu (Fiji) using the USLE Model and a GIS
- Développement méthodologique et spatialisation du risque d’érosion hydrique à Efate (Vanuatu)
- Mise à jour de la cartographie de l’occupation des sols а Efate (Vanuatu) par l’utilisation d’images très haute rйsolution (THR) du satellite Formosat-2
Post-larval Capture and Culture (PCC)

Latest additions:
- Case Study: Development of economically viable postlarval capture and culture (PCC) based activities in Bora Bora (French Polynesia)
- Etude pilote sur la faisabilité technique et économique de la PCC aux оles Fidji
- Distribution spatiale des holothuries et étoiles de mer and Dйtermination de l’infestation des holothuries et des huоtres perlières par les poissons Carapidae
Bioprospection and ABS
- Biodiversité et substances marines des оles Fidji, Algues/Йponges/Ascidies/Йchinodermes, Mission а Fidji (07 – 27 mai 2007)
- Le droit de la biodiversité marine aux оles Fidji, Salomon et Vanuatu – Synthèse
- Le droit de la biodiversité marine aux iles Fidji, Salomon et Vanuatu
Economics and socioeconomics of coral reefs

Latest additions:
- Status and potential of Locally-Managed Marine Areas in the South Pacific: Meeting nature conservation and sustainable livelihood targets through wide-spread implementation of LMMAs – Study Report